5 Signs You May Need a New Water Heater

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A water heater is an essential appliance in any home, providing hot water for daily tasks such as washing dishes, doing laundry, and taking showers. However, like any other appliance, water heaters have a limited lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced. Let’s discuss some signs that indicate it’s time to replace your water heater.

  1. Age of the Water Heater

Most water heaters have a lifespan of 8-12 years. If your water heater is approaching or exceeding that age, it’s time to start considering a replacement. Even if it’s still functioning, it may be less efficient and more prone to breakdowns. If you are unsure how old your water heater is, you can check the serial number or call us and we will gladly take a look for you.

  1. Rusty Water

If you notice rusty water coming from your hot water taps, it’s a sign that your water heater is deteriorating from the inside out. Rusty water can also indicate corrosion of the pipes connected to the water heater. In either case, it’s a good idea to have a professional inspect the system and consider replacement.

  1. Noises

If you hear banging, popping, or cracking sounds coming from your water heater, it may be an indication of sediment buildup at the bottom of the tank. Over time, sediment can harden and cause the water heater to overheat, potentially leading to leaks or tank failure. If you hear unusual sounds coming from your water heater, it’s best to have it inspected.

Keep in mind, you can also prevent sediment from building by having your water heater flushed once a year.

  1. Leaks

Any sign of leakage around your water heater is a cause for concern. Even a small leak can indicate a significant problem, such as a failing tank or corroded pipes. Leaks can also lead to water damage, mold growth, and other costly issues. If you notice any signs of leakage, it’s important to address the issue promptly.

You may also notice condensation on your water heater, which is perfectly fine. Condensation is one reason why water will collect at the base of your water heater, but it should be gone the next day. It is best to call a licensed plumber to examine the heater to not only give you peace of mind, but to also ensure that no future damage will occur from it.

  1. Inconsistent Temperature

One evening you may be able to take a nice hot bath, but the next morning family members have to take a cold shower. If your water heater is struggling to maintain a consistent temperature, it may be a sign that the heating element or thermostat is failing. This can be particularly problematic if the water temperature is too low or too high, leading to discomfort or even scalding. If you’re experiencing inconsistent temperature issues, it’s time to consider a replacement.

In conclusion, if you’re experiencing any of the above signs, it’s likely time to consider replacing your water heater. A professional plumber can assess the situation and provide guidance on the best course of action. Replacing your water heater before it fails completely can save you money in the long run and ensure that you have a reliable supply of hot water for your daily needs.

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