A Back-to-School Plumbing Checklist: Start the School Year with Plumbing Peace of Mind!

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As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s time to ensure that your home’s plumbing system is ready for the increased activity and demands of the new academic year. The last thing you want is to be caught off guard by plumbing problems while juggling school schedules and extracurricular activities. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you prepare your plumbing for the back-to-school season. Follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth and worry-free transition into the school year!

1. Inspect for Leaks: Bid Adieu to Drippy Surprises!

Before the hustle and bustle begins, check your home thoroughly for any leaks. Examine faucets, showerheads, and pipes under sinks for signs of drips or moisture. Don’t forget to inspect the water supply lines to appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine. If you spot any leaks, address them promptly to prevent water damage and save on utility bills.

2. Check Toilet Functionality: Flush Away Potential Issues!

Toilets can sometimes surprise us with unexpected malfunctions. Test each toilet in your home for proper flushing, checking for any slow refills or phantom flushes. Ensure the toilet handle and flapper are functioning correctly. If you notice any issues, repair or replace faulty components to prevent inconvenient bathroom mishaps.

3. Unblock Drains: Wave Goodbye to Clogs!

With school back in session, it’s essential to keep your drains flowing smoothly. Clear any blockages in sinks, showers, and tubs using a plunger or drain snake. Avoid pouring grease, hair, or other debris down the drains, as they can cause clogs. Implementing preventive measures, such as using drain catchers, will help keep your pipes clog-free throughout the school year.

4. Insulate Exposed Pipes: Guard Against Winter Woes!

Though winter may be a few months away, it’s never too early to prepare. Insulate exposed pipes, especially those in unheated areas, such as garages. Pipe insulation sleeves or heat tape can provide an extra layer of protection against freezing temperatures, reducing the risk of burst pipes and costly repairs.

5. Schedule a Professional Plumbing Inspection:

Consider hiring a professional plumber for a comprehensive plumbing inspection. They can assess the overall condition of your plumbing system, identify potential issues, and perform necessary maintenance or repairs. A professional inspection ensures your plumbing is in top shape, ready to handle the demands of the school year. Call the pros at Cypress Plumbing today!

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